Greetings readers,
Although I work in the ePortfolio Studio at Old Dominion University it does not mean I don't also seek out services for myself as well. I felt confident in my Wix, it is my pride and joy... I mean that's how I got this Graduate Assistantship after all (thanks Dr. Beck and Dr. Lietzenmeyer!).
I submitted my Wix to be reviewed by the ePortfolio Studio. All I had to do was make an online appointment and submit the link to my website. I did not anticipate having a mistake! I needed to correct a link to my VMASC Projects page that shows examples of the work I do at my other job. I did fix that and now navigation is easier.
Here is the link to my Wix:
Ethan, who did my review, suggested on make subpages for Course Work and VMASC Projects. However, I decided not to do that as I see it as two different entities. Course Work is educational while VMASC Projects is professional. As many people like myself, I like to keep my "lives" separated as much as possible.
Here is the link from my video feedback:
Since I felt like I cheated the system a little bit by working at the ePortfolio Studio, even though Dr. Beck said it isn't, I decided to challenge myself by making a completely new one from scratch. I do not plan to use it for educational purposes (or currently any purposes right now). I wanted to understand what my fellow classmates challenges are as it helps me constructively when helping other peers in the studio. Additionally, since I am the ePortfolio guru of COMM601, I am able to help answer my classmates simple and easy to answer questions (hard for them) without having to make a whole appointment. If we help each other (within academic honesty), we will all pass together!
Here is the link to my other Wix!:
Thank you for taking the time to read my post and I hope you enjoy the turning weather of fall!